About US


Specialized Knowledge to Support Your Financial FREEDOM


When it comes to private equity, real estate, and other non-traditional investment opportunities, expertise and speed are pivotal. Our expertise in self-directed investment strategies allows you to close on complex deals in a short amount of time.

Specifically we provide trust, custodial, agent for custodian and record keeping services to individuals and corporations who wish to include non-traditional assets as part of their tax-deferred and tax-free portfolios.

We specialize in third-party administration of self-directed retirement plans including: IRA, Traditional and Roth, SEP-IRA’s, SIMPLE IRA’s, Beneficiary IRA’s; Traditional and Roth 401(k)’s; Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit Plans. 

Chicago Trust Administration Services LLC does not give investment advice. CTAS does not sell securities or other investment products. A plan may be deemed non-compliant if products of any type are sold by and IRA or Plan Trustee, custodian or administrator as this may result in a conflict of interest. 


Steven Miszkowicz, CISP

Relying on a tenure of 30+ years in residential and commercial real estate and mortgage financing Steve founded CTAS in 2003 to help individuals self-direct their retirement investments. He uses a consultative approach to help high level investors determine the appropriate IRA/401(k) structure that meets Department of Labor compliance guidelines. 

Steve works with the principals of hedge funds, private and bank wealth management and other financial entities to ensure compliant structures and reduce potential fiduciary liability.  He has taught both beginning and advanced classes in self-directed investing through DePaul University. He also conducts seminars and presentations to industry groups.