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Invest in what you know, We’ll TAKE CARE OF THE REST


You may have the perfect deal in front of you, but no idea how to make it happen. We assist high-level executives in the US and abroad in creating the financial future they envision through self-directed investments.

With a self-directed retirement plan, you are in total control of your investments. You are not limited to the traditional vehicles offered by financial institutions like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs and commodities. You may choose from real estate, mortgage notes, tax lien certificates, LPs and LLCs, unsecured loans, trust deeds, contract options, like and unlike exchanges and more. See the investment options below for a more substantial list of options.

If your capital is in your current IRA or other retirement plan, you need to know how to create a self-directed plan. This is not as easy as it sounds. To do this legally, you have to wade through obscure tax laws that can baffle even experienced professionals. Not so with us. The team at Chicago Trust Administration Services has been in the business for decades, so we know how to help you. You still make the decisions, but we provide the expert regulatory guidance you need.


The choice is yours: Investment Options

  • Gold Bullion

  • Like & Unlike Exchanges

  • Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds

  • Commodity & Option Exchanges

  • Tangible Asset Deeds

  • Security Agreements & Notes

  • Foreign Sales Corporate Stock

  • Start-up Capitalization

  • Stalking Horse Security

  • Factoring

  • Certificate of Deposit

  • Palladium

  • Unsecured Loans

  • Accounts Receivable Financing

  • Closed Corporation Stock

  • Trust Deeds Private Equity

  • PPMs

  • Real Estate

  • Mortgage Notes

  • Tax Lien Certificates

  • LPs & LLCs

  • Auto Paper

  • Extraordinary Investments

  • SPACs

  • SAFE Notes

  • Participation Notes

  • U.S. Treasury Silver Coins

  • Commodities / Futures Leases

  • Joint Ventures

  • U.S. Treasury Coins

  • Contract Options

  • Building Bonds

  • Commercial Paper

  • Hedge Funds

Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)


Who is CTAS?

Chicago Trust Administration Services LLC -CTAS - was formed in 2003 and is an LLC registered in Wyoming. Steven Miszkowicz is the Managing Member and Administrator.

What types of retirement/pension plans qualify for self-direction?

IRA's, 401k, Defined Benefit Plans, and Cash Balance Plans.

Why doesn’t my bank and brokerage dealer allow these accounts to be Self-Directed?

When the ERISA legislation was created in 1978 there were 34 investment classes identified. Banks and brokerage dealers opted to only focus on stocks, bonds, money market, mutual funds and CDs, primarily because of ease of transactions, commission income, and fiduciary liability. Investment real estate, private notes, private placements and private equities have always been included as part of the original 34 identified investment classes.

What do I need to know about Self-Directing my retirement plan?

Any retirement plan may transfer part or all of the available funds in the new Self-Directed account. An individual may have more than one IRA/401k/CB & DB account. Fund transfers between administrators have no restrictions on the number of transfers per year.

How can my current 401k/CB/DB plan be Self-Directed (SD)?

Your current Plan has a designated Plan Administrator that handles collection of funds, investment and compliance form filings. You are not restricted to having only one plan administrator. Please contact us for details.

Do I have to move my entire individual/corporation retirement plan in order to qualify for Self-Direction?

The short answer is no, you do not. CTAS is not interested in taking over the entire company plan. We will only transfer those funds needed to complete the SD-investment. The rest of your plan will remain with its current administrator.

Is setting up an SD 401k/Cash Balance or DB Plan a more complicated process?

The procedure is very similar to setting up any other Self-Directed Plan. Each situation will be somewhat different and dependent upon the complexity of the actual investment. What is more important is that investments are properly structured to ensure they are qualified and compliant with ERISA guidelines.

What should I know about Private Equity investing?

Private Equity encompasses a broad range of asset management, from taking start-up companies public to improving undervalued real estate developments. Once a new opportunity is finalized, a Subscription Offering is opened to qualified investors. Typically, if that PE group has a record of prior successes, that Subscription becomes over-subscribed, and the capital call begins.

Speed of execution to meet capital calls is pivotal. Once the funding need is fulfilled the subscription is closed until the next opportunity. Fines for non-compliance can go as high as 103% of the value of your original investment. Many SD Administrators are uncomfortable and/or unfamiliar with PE investing. Some SD Administrators will take over 30 days to review investment documentation BEFORE they will determine if they will open an account for you.

CTAS opens accounts and funds asset purchases in 7-14 days, with the bulk of time used to transfer funds from your existing plan to your new SD plan. Of course the type of retirement plan, the type of investment and the complexity of the investment structure will all be factors in determining the most effective plan for you PE investment.

Must I be an “Accredited Investor” to use an SD-401k/CB/DB plan?

No. This is not an ERISA requirement. However, that being said, it may be a requirement of the PE offering’s Subscription Agreement. There are other options.

Why are SD-Retirement Plans preferred with Private Equities?

Two reasons:

  • Placing personal capital at risk brings in many considerations. In your daily life you are constantly balancing and managing family expenses, educational costs, job security and unexpected expenses. Investing personal capital requires a more “short term” strategy. IRA/401k investing requires a “long term” strategy.

  • Most PE ROI’s are targeted with a “long term” 5-10 year payouts. This fits the profile of “passive” retirement investing.

Anything else I should know?

At the end of the year your current plan administrator will need a value for your SD-investment. We will provide Form 5500 for that valuation. Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions or investment scenario that you would like to discuss.


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